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Meet our Mustangs!
We are the proud Mann staff

1 2 > showing 1 - 40 of 43 constituents

Yusef Abuissa

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Jen Aitken

1st Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Emily Arvola

2nd Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Fatima Cabrera Razo

2nd Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Amanda Carey

Teacher Librarian
Mann Elementary

Sara Cassady

Media Secretary
Mann Elementary

Kristin Clark Olivier

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Jane Cleary

Student Teacher
Mann Elementary

Markous Contreras

Night Custodian
Mann Elementary

Ana Cortez De Velasquez

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Amanda Crosby Perry

4th Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Suzanne Fraser

Special Education Strategist
Mann Elementary

Emily Garrelts

Nutrition Services Assistant
Mann Elementary

Katelyn Glass

TLC Instructional Coach
Mann Elementary

Joe Graf

PE Teacher
Mann Elementary

Lance Green

3rd Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Alyssa Hecker

4th Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Kelsey Hurlbert

Special Education Strategist
Mann Elementary

Kelly Joseph

Mann Elementary, Coralville Central Elementary

Ashley Kelly

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Jessica Kline

Head Custodian Elementary
Mann Elementary

Hannah Learnahan

Preschool Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Jennifer Lemburg

1st Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Kelsey Lipnick

ELL Teacher
Mann Elementary

Eva Long

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Jessica McCusker

Student and Family Advocate
Penn Elementary, Mann Elementary

Mary Merulla

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Molly Nicholson

Preschool and ECSE Teacher
Mann Elementary

Amy Nugent

5th Grade Teacher
Mann Elementary

Shane O'Shaughnessy

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Emma Parker

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Linda Prybil

Principal's Secretary
Mann Elementary

Diamond Quaye

Elementary Counselor
Lincoln Elementary, Mann Elementary

Mary Rogers

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Joanna Sabha

Supervisory Para TS
Mann Elementary

Owen Schmidt

Special Education Paraeducator
Mann Elementary

Benjamin Smith

Kindergarten Teacher
Mann Elementary

Sophia Taft

Music Teacher
Mann Elementary

Ruth Thomas

Lead Nutrition Services Assistant
Mann Elementary

Ann Turbak

Kindergarten Teacher
Mann Elementary
1 2 > showing 1 - 40 of 43 constituents